Calendrical Document C (4Q326)
In the first (month) on the fourth (day) is Sabbath…
On the eighth (day) in it [is Sabbath] …
On the eleventh (day) in it is Sabbath…
[On the 14th (day) in it is Passover on the third (day of the week).
Temple Scrolls
4Q400 fr. I i (Song for the Sabbaths)
[To the Master. Song of the holocaust of the] first [Sabba]th, on the fourth of the first month.
Praise [the God of] the ‘gods’ (= elohim) of supreme holiness;
in [his] divine [kingship, rejoice.
For he has established] supreme holiness among the everlastingly holy, the Holy of Holies,
to be for him the priests of [the inner Temple in his royal sanctuary], ministers of the Presence in his glorious innermost Temple chamber.
In the congregation of all the gods (= elim) of [knowledge,
and in the congregation of all the ‘gods’ of] God,
he engraved his precepts for all the spiritual works,
and [his glorious] judgements [for all who lay the foundations of] knowledge,
the people (endowed with) his glorious understanding,
the ‘gods’ who are close to knowledge …
of eternity and from the fountain of holiness to the sanctuary of supreme [holiness] …
prie[sts] of the inner Temple, ministers of the Presence of the [most] holy King …his glory.
They shall grow in strength decree by decree to be seven [eternal councils.
For he fo]unded them [for] himself as the most [holy, who minister in the h]oly of holies … do not endure [those who per]vert the way.
There is [n]othing impure in their sanctuaries.
He engraved for them [precepts relating to ho]ly gifts; by them, all the everlastingly holy shall sanctify themselves.
He shall purify the [luminously] pure [to repa]y all those who render their way crooked.
Their expiations shall obtain his goodwill for all those who repent from sin…
…knowledge among the priests of the inner Temple, and from their mouth (proceed) the teachings of the holy with the judgements of [his glory] …
…his [gra]ces for everlasting merciful forgiveness.
In his zealous vengeance … he has established for himself as priests of the inner Temple, the most holy … of gods, the priests of the highest heights who are near [to] …
4Q4002 (4Q401, fr. 14, 7-8)
… wonderfully to extol Thy glory among the divine beings of knowledge, and the praises of Thy kingship among the most ho[ly]. More wonderfully than ‘gods’ and men they are glorified amid all the camps of the ‘gods’ and feared by companies of men. They recount his royal majesty according to their knowledge and exalt [his glory in all] his royal heavens. In all the highest heights [they shall sing] marvellous psalms according to all [their understanding, and the glorious splendour] of the King of the ‘gods’ they shall recount on their stations … for what shall we be counted among them? For what shall our priesthood be counted in their dwellings? [How shall our] ho[liness compare with their supreme] holiness? How does the offering of our tongue of dust compare with the knowledge of the divine [beings] … our jubilation. Let us extol the God of knowledge … Holy of Holies and His understanding is above all those who possess knowledge …
4Q402, fr. 4, 9-10
… ‘gods’ run to his visitation and the voice of a crowd … of ‘gods’ in the war of heaven. And it will be …
4Q402 4, 11-15=MASADA FRAGMENT 1, 1-7
… wonderful new works. All these he has done wonder[fully with all the eternally hidden things] … all the words of knowledge; for from the God of knowledge (comes) all that exists for ever, [and from] his [plan]s (come) all the eternally appointed. He produces the former things in their appointed times, and the latter things in their seasons. None among those who know the [wonderfully] revealed things can comprehend them before he makes them. When he makes them, none of [the doers of righteous]ness can understand his plan, for they are his glorious works. Before they come into being, (they derive) [from] his [pla]n.