Year 9 / Month 12 / Day 28 - ... : Miyamin
Mishmarot B (4Q321)
Fr. 1 I (suite)
Second (cycle),
(2nd year) The first ( vs the last): on the second (day) in Malchiah which is on the twen[tieth (day) in the first (month).
(9th year) And] the New Month [is on the third (day) in Harim which is on the se]venth (day) in (the first month).
(2nd year) On the fourth (day) in Jeshua which is [on] the twentieth (day) in the second (month).
(9th year) And [the New Month is on the fifth (day) in] Hakkoz which is on the ninth seventh (day) [in (the second month).
(2nd year) On the fifth (day) in Huppah which is on the nine]teenth (day) in the third (month).
(9th year) And the New Mo[on] is on the sixth (day) [in E]l[iashib] which is on the sixth (day) [in (the third month).
(2nd year) On the sabba]th in Pizzez …
Fr. 2 II
… [which is on the eighteenth (day) in the fourth (month).
(9th year) And the New Month is on the first (day) in Immer which is on the fifth (day)] in (the fourth month).
(2nd year) On the first (day) in [Gamul, which is on the seventeenth (day) in the fifth (month)].
(9th year) [And the New Month is on the second (day) in Je]hezek[el which is on the fourth (day) in (the fifth month).
(2nd year) On the third (day) in Jed]aiah which is on [the seventeenth (day) in the sixth (month).
(9th year) And the New Month is on the fourth (day)] in Maoziah which is on the fourth (day) in (the sixth month).
(2nd year) On the fourt[h (day) in Mijamin which is on the fifteenth (day)] in the seventh (month).
(9th year) And the New Month is on the f[ifth (day)] in Seorim which is on the second in (the seventh month).
(2nd year) On the sixth (day) in Shecaniah which is on the fif[teenth (day) in the eighth (month).
(9th year) And the New] Moon is on the sabbath in Abiah which is on the second (day) in (the eighth month).
(2nd year) [On the sabbath in Bilgah] which is on the fourteenth (day) of the ninth (month).
(9th year) And the New Month is [on the first (day)] in the ninth month.
(9th year) And the second [New Moo]n is on the third (day) in [Hezir, which is on the thirty]-first in [(the ninth month).
(2nd year) On] the second (day) in Petahiah which is on the thir[teenth (day) in the tenth (month)].
(9th year) And the New Month is on the fourt[h (day) in Ja]chin which is on the twenty-nin[th (day) in (the tenth month)].
(2nd year) On [the third (day) in Delai]ah which is on the twelfth (day) in the ele[venth month.
(9th year) And the New] Moon is on the sixth (day) in Joiar[ib which is on the tw]enty-ninth (day) in [(the eleventh month)].
(2nd year) On the fifth (day) in Harim which is on the twelfth (day) of the twelfth month.
(9th year) And the New Moo[n] is on the sabbath [in ] Mijamin which is on the twenty-eighth (day) in (the twelfth month).