Year 13 / Month 8 / Day 21 - ... : Harim

Mishmarot B (4Q321)

Fr. 4 I

(year 6)


(6th year) [On the fifth (day) in the (week) of Jakim which is on the seventh (day) in the fifth (month).

(13th year) And the N]ew Moon is on the first (day) in [ Bilg]ah which is on the twe[nty-f]ou[r]th (day) in (the fifth month).

(6th year) On the sabbath in Hezir which is on the sevent[h (day) in the sixth (month).

(13th year) And the New Month is on the second (day) in Petahiah] which is on the twenty-third (day) in (the sixth month).

(6th year) On the first (day) in Jachin which is on the fifth (day) in the seventh (month).

(13th year) And the New Month is on the fourth (day) [in Delaiah which is on the twenty-second (day)] in (the seventh month).

(6th year) On the third (day) in Joiarib which is on the fifth (day) in the eighth (month).

(13th year) And the New Month is on the fifth (day) in Harim [which is on the twenty-first (day) in the eighth month.

(6th year) On the fou]rth (day) in Malchiah which is on the fourth (day) in the ninth (month).

(13th year) And the New Month is on the sabbath in Abiah which is on the [twenty-]first (day) in ([the ninth month).

(6th year) On the sixth (day) in Je]shua which is [on] the third (day) in the tenth (month).

(13th year) And the New Month is on the first (day) in Jakim which is on the nineteenth (day) in [(the tenth month).

(6th year) On the sabbath in Jeshebeab which is on the second (day) of the elev]enth month.

(13th year) And the New Month is on the thi[rd (day) in Immer] which is on the nineteenth (day) in (the eleventh month).

(6th year) [On the second (day) in Pizzez which is on the second (day) in the twel]fth month.

(13th year) And the New Month is on the four[th (day) in Jehezek]el which is on the eighteenth (day) [in the twelfth month.] vacat ...