Year 11 / Month 1 / Day 17 - ... : Yakim

Mishmarot B (4Q321)

Fr. 3 III (suite)

The fourth (year).

(4th year) On the fourth (day) in Shecan[iah which is on the first (day) in the first month].

(11th year) And the New Month is on the sixth (day) in Jakim which is on the seventeenth (day) in (the first month).

(4th year) [On the fifth (day) in Pizzez Yeshebead which is on the thirtieth (day) in] the first (month).

(11th year) And the New Month is on the first (day) in Hez[ir which is on the seventeenth (day) in it (2nd month).

(4th year) On the sabbath [in ] Petahiah which is on the thirtieth of the second month.

[(11th year) And the New Month is on the second (day) in Yachin which is on the sixteenth (day) in the third month). ]

(4th year) On the first (day) in (the week) of Delaiah, which is on the twenty-ninth] (in the third month).