Year 1 / Month 9 / Day 1 - 1st from Sabbath (sunday) : Yeshua

Mishmarot B (4Q321)

Fr. 4 I (?)

(First year)

[In the first] month in Gamul;

[on the thir]d (day) in Ma[aziah: Passover.

In Jedaiah: the Waving of the Sheaf.

The (first day) of the second (month) is in Jedaiah;

in Seorim: the Second Passover.

(The first day of the) third (month is) in (the week of Hakkoz.]


in Jeshua: the Feast of Week[s] is in it.

[The fou]r[th (month begins) in E]liashib.

The fifth (month begins) in [Bilgah.

The sixth (month begins) in J]ehezekel.

The seve[nth (month begins) in Maoziah].

In Maoziah is the Day of Memorial.

In Joiarib is the Day of Atonement.

In Jedaiah is [the Feast of] Tabernacles.

The eighth (month begins) [in Seorim].

The ninth (month begins) in Jeshua.

The tenth (month begins) in Huppah.

The eleventh (month begins) in Hezir.

The twelfth (month begins) in Gamul. vacat