Year 1 / Month 11 / Day 22 - 6th from Sabbath (friday) : Yehezekel
Mishmarot A (4Q320)
(Year 1)
Fr. 1 i
... to show it from the east. [And] to cause it to shine [in] the middle of heaven, in the foundation [of the creat]ion, from evening till morning. (There is full moon)
On the 4th (day) in the week [of the sons of G]amul in the first month of [the firs]t year.
[On the 5th (day) in (the week of) Jedai]ah, (corresponding) to the 29th (day of the lunar month, which falls) on the 30th (day) of the 1st (solar month).
[On the sabbath in (the week of) Hak]koz, (corresponding) to the 30th (day of the lunar month, which falls) on the 30th of the second (solar month).
[On the 1st (day) in (the week of) Elia]shib, (corresponding) to the 29th (day of the lunar month), (which falls) on the 29th (day) in the third (solar month).
[On the 3rd (day) in (the week of) Bilg]ah, (corresponding) to the 30th (day of the lunar month, which falls) on the 28th day in the fourth (solar month).
[On the 4th (day) in (the week of) Peta]hiah, (corresponding) to the 29th (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 27th day in the fifth (solar month).
On the 6th (day) in (the week of) Delaiah, (corresponding) to the 30th (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 27th (day) in the sixth (solar month).
[On the sabbath in (the week of) Seori]m, (corresponding) to the 29th (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 25th (day) in the seventh (solar month).
[On the 2nd (day) in (the week of) Abiah, (corresponding) to the 3]oth (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 25th (day) in the eighth (solar month).
[On the 3rd (day) in (the week of) Jakim, (corresponding) to the 2]9th (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 24th (day) in the ninth (solar month).
Fr. 1 ii
On the 5th (day) in (the week of) Immer, (corresponding) to the 30th (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 23rd (day) in the tenth (solar month).
On the 6th (day) in (the week of) Jehezekel, (corresponding) to the 29th (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 22nd (day) in the eleventh (solar) month.
On the 1st (day) in (the week of) Jeiarib, (corresponding) to the 30th (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 22nd (day) in the twelfth (solar) month.
Mishmarot B (4Q321)
Fr. 1 I
(7th year) [And the New Month is on the 1st (day) in Jedaiah which is on the twel]fth (day) in it (=the seventh month).
(1st year) On the second (day) in Abia[h which is on the] twe[nty-fifth (day) in the eighth (month).
(7th year) And the New Month is on the third (day) in Mijamin which is on the twelfth (day)] in (the eighth month).
(1st year) On the third (day) in Jakim which is on the [twenty]-fou[rth (day) in the ninth (month).
(7th year) And the New Month is on the fourth (day) in Shecaniah which is on the eleve]nth (day) in (the ninth month).
(1st year) On the fifth (day) in Immer which is on the thirteenth twenty third (day) in the ten[th (month).
(7th year) And the New Month is on the sixth (day) in Je]shabeab [which is on the tenth (day) in (the tenth month)].
(1st year) On [the s]ixth (day) in Jehezekel which is on the twenty-second (day) in the eleventh (month).
(7th year) And [the New Month is on sabbath in ] Petahiah which is [on the ninth (day) in (the eleventh month)].
(1st year) On the first (day) in Joiarib which is on the twenty-second (day) in the twelfth month.
(7th year) And [the New Month is on the secon]d (day) in Delaiah [which is on the ninth (day) in (the twelfth month)]. vacat