Year 1 / Month 1 / Day 18 - Sabbath (7th of the week) : Yoyarib
Year 1 / Month 1 / Day 18 - Sabbath (7th of the week) : Yoyarib
Mishmarot D (4Q325)
Fr. 1
[...(In the week of Moaziah is) Passover, on the thi]rd (day of the week).
On the eighteenth (day) in (the first month) is the sabbath of [(the week of) Joiarib] ... in the evening.
On the twenty-fifth (day) in (the first month) is the sabbath of (the week of) Jedaiah.
During the same week is [the Feast] of Barley on the twenty-sixth (day) in (the first month), after the sabbath.