Calendrical Document C (4Q326)
(In the second month), on the second (day) in it: [Sabbath.
Song of the 2nd of 2nd month
Just before the [For the Master. So]ng of the holocaust of the sixth Sabbath on the ninth of the [second] month, assumed to be for the sabbath before.
4Q402, fr. 4, 9-10
… ‘gods’ run to his visitation and the voice of a crowd … of ‘gods’ in the war of heaven. And it will be …
4Q402 4, 11-15=MASADA FRAGMENT 1, 1-7
… wonderful new works. All these he has done wonder[fully with all the eternally hidden things] … all the words of knowledge; for from the God of knowledge (comes) all that exists for ever, [and from] his [plan]s (come) all the eternally appointed. He produces the former things in their appointed times, and the latter things in their seasons. None among those who know the [wonderfully] revealed things can comprehend them before he makes them. When he makes them, none of [the doers of righteous]ness can understand his plan, for they are his glorious works. Before they come into being, (they derive) [from] his [pla]n